Tarkovskian in its thematics, Nabokovian in its prose but simply Cockrockian in its everything. I love you.
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Tarkovskian in its thematics, Nabokovian in its prose but simply Cockrockian in its everything. I love you.
I just want you guys to know
I would totally have platonic sex with you. Nothing weird. Just....just good buddies doing it in front of some kids we've kidnapped.
I'm ready whenever you are.
Sounds like good ol fashioned fun to me!!
I'll bring the kids, you bring the...I'm calling the police.
An excellent, complex flash
A truly superb animation, not the best flash I have ever seen but still, a great achievement.
The audio was edited flawlessly, and it was a good idea to use all black stick figures, so that if the drawings failed it wouldn't look too good and it wasnt' distracting from the music.
There were some very cool wipes in this, the shot going through the tunnel was very nice, as was the blurred pan to the Awper.
There was one major detractor, however, which was that you kept repeating the same shot of the awper and the guy being shot, over and over. You didn't have to change the sound, just the shot.
I wouldn't normally say this, but perhaps a little more blood would of gone well.
Despite the reoccurrence of those shots, it was still an awesome flash. Great work.
True all that ^
A solid, if slight repetitive game
My summary really summarizes my review (I know that's pretty freakin' obvious, but I needed to start this somehow).
The game reminded me of skull kid a little, mainly the whole no real challenge for the first few levels, mass-slaughter style of gameplay. I mean, none of the character models were different and there was one death animation (not counting the decapatation one though).
It was fun, I played until I started the second round on foot. The graphics were simple and colourful, but still with enough detail to make them attractive to the eye. The sound became repetitive after playing for a few minutes.
It was good that you split up the game into two different styles, but in the end, it didn't really cover up the repetition. A solid title, worth a play once but I won't be coming back.
That was a really good game, the graphics must of taken a long time to photograph.
The sound was cool, some of the voices got annoying but not too bad. The violence was well done: Not too clean not too gratuitous. It would of been nice to see some more pickups (weapons, powerups etc. unless there were and I didn't get far enough in to it yet) and it did start to get get repetitive but the ability to intergrate different moves in combos was cool.
Overall nice job, and the effort you put into the this was evident. You deserve your front page spot.
Thanks LordRobbo! There aren't any weapons in the game, it would have required too many photos and pushed the filesize up too far!
Good stuff
An enjoyable game but has a few flaws.
I'll mention the negatives first. The character moved too slow, which made walking tiresome. The combat was repetitive, more styles of enemies would fix that. The sound loop was really annoying but the combat noises were sufficient.
The graphics looked good, not great but that was probably because of the low quality setting I had it on. The blood on the camera was cool.
Combat could of been better, it wasn't bad but there was room for improvement. Good idea on adding three different attacks (not counting the trip move) but maybe combos and powerups would create an even better fighting experience.
The sound effects, as I mentioned before , did the job and decent, although slightly generic. And the loop got annoying. But that is just my taste and I know that when it comes to sound in games it's impossible to please everyone.
Cool blood on camera effect, it was gory enough and the rage attack was cool.
Powerups, different styles of enemies, a run button and choice of weapon are all you need to create one of the best games on Newgrounds.
Congratulations guys, you made a great game
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This is a great review! I love getting these kinds of suggestions that can help our game to get better! I got really mad because the file size got out of hand. We were only about 100kb from reaching the limit to submit. We were going to have three levels, three enamies, powerups, and possibly different rage moves, but the file size made all of that not possible. Thank you file size. But for the next level, I'll try to get the size down and incorperate some of the suggestions you gave. Again, thank you!!!
Age 66, Female
Joined on 12/18/03