Was this a demo or the real thing?
If this was a demo great work. If this was the full thing great work, but WAAAAAY to short especially for a file size that's nearly one meg. Good sound, but too short. Continue making games you're very talented
Was this a demo or the real thing?
If this was a demo great work. If this was the full thing great work, but WAAAAAY to short especially for a file size that's nearly one meg. Good sound, but too short. Continue making games you're very talented
Nice tutorial
It was good, but I'm wondering how do you get the scores from a quiz added automatically. For example Im making a quiz if the person gets three questions wrong at the end of a 10 question quiz how do i get it to say they got 7/10.
Any help would be appreciated, good work on this tutorial as well.
At the end of the tutorial there is a script on how to make a score counter remember?
Good, nothing special though
For the driving bit you should change the screen to horizontal instead of vertical so you can see where you're going. I couldn't shoot the helicopter, the sound was okay, should put some cool background music in. Overall good but needs some improving
shoot the window of the heli, yes i am not good at flash :(
A little boring but not bad
Very simliar to Divine Interventions but not as cool. A good game, let down by repetition and average sound. Also targeting was a bit sucky. Apart from that a good effort overall.
Pretty Good
My main gripe with this was there no actual mission just scenarios with no difficulty. Good graphics and sound though but could of used cooler sounding background music
Good work
Absolutely Stunning
A great fun game, just suberb in every way but you need to add a cool ninja or matrix soundtrack
Great work
I thouroughly enjoyed the game you really need to make a full version. Suggestions from me are- More weapons, difficulty level select, powerups (limited invincibility, bullet time etc..)and some really good background music.
A great addictive game that you should be proud of but needs powerups and a little more variety.
Good work overall
I hadn't actually thought of powerups, XD. But that is a good idea! I'll be sure to add some in the full version! And there will be more variety in the full version, too.
Thank you for your review!
I have no idea what that was about
It looked promising if you could get it translated i think it would be much more sucessful. Good effort......I think
It was alright but there were some problems for example: The scene was too small you could hardly see what was going on and where thing should go in relation to the ground. No feet. Fix those things and it will be much better.
Their are shawdows you can use.
Age 66, Female
Joined on 12/18/03