Man that sucked, The physiscs were shithouse and the you should of been able to see the majority of the course
Man that sucked, The physiscs were shithouse and the you should of been able to see the majority of the course
It rocked but i thought it was pretty hard AND long so dont try it unless you have a lot of time
One word :shithouse
Im from Australia, and i wish people would stop ragging steve irwin, if they were so concerned maybe they should've run out and thrown themselves in front of him or something and did the baby get eaten, DID IT!!!!!!?????? no, now stop insulting an australian icon, even if he is very enthusiastic
Hard a bit too hard
It's like an episode of Law and Order except not as good, the voice acting was pretty good but i thought u didnt have enough time i mean who takes 5minutes to say 7 words???? its not as good as some of ur others
Really good
yeh i won it but it took me ages Hella fun great work
fun but i thought it was pretty hard kewlio graphicos to man
Really really really .....EXCELLENT!
really good heaps fun and really hard good stuff .........realease the console version on xbox tho
Ok evry1 this is the best flash ever.I joined NG so i could review it.....I'm holding my breath 4 Ray Pt2 so plz let it come soon..:D
Age 66, Female
Joined on 12/18/03